2022 第 16 週 閱讀週記
- A Ferrari feels like a Ford after 4 weeks.
- Wealth is measured on calendars, not calculators.
- Inflation is your second biggest expense after tax. Know how the government robs you blind. The current theft is 7.9% per year. It’s a tax on the stupid.
- Assume a giant recession will hit every 5-7 years. Therefore, have a plan.
- The best plan in a recession is to buy financial assets on discount.
- Eating McDonald’s isn’t worth it. Junk food screws with your energy. You need high energy to make money. Eat more plants instead.
- You don’t have to join the family business.
- Most don’t have a financial education. If you get one from Youtube, you’ll be better off than 99% of people. Start with Real Vision dot com.
- Most of the space in a home is never fully used. Buy a smaller home.
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